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test tubes on a lab bench

About KPM

two people smiling at a shop workbench
a KPM employee in a lab coat performing a test

Our Mission

At KPM, we are connecting the ideas and concepts developed and tested in our facilities, to the reality of a plant or commercial operation. We define viable options through performing techno-economic studies, testing concepts in our laboratories, demonstrating operability through pilot scale plant design, installation and operation, and supporting the engineering process allowing the idea to come to life.

Ultimately we provide Clarity.

Clarity on the technical feasibility. Clarity on the economic potential. Clarity on the challenges and difficulties. Clarity on the path to take to reach a goal. Clarity on what you should dream of.

We provide process Clarity to our clients with our core pillars:

  • Deep understanding of chemistry
  • Robust knowledge of unit operations
  • Preparation of techno-economic analysis and process models
  • Insight into market and industry dynamics
  • Design and execution of custom experimental work
  • Ability to scale from laboratory bench top experiments to demonstration plants
  • Support of engineering projects through process engineering expertise

KPM Leadership Team

Kingston Process Metallurgy Inc. is a privately owned Canadian company located in Kingston, Ontario. Our interdisciplinary team includes engineers, scientists, chemists, technicians, and modellers. Our Leadership Team includes the two co-owners Boyd Davis and Alain Roy, along with a group of highly skilled and experienced Section Leaders.

Boyd Davis

Boyd Davis


Project Development

Alain Roy

Alain Roy



Kris Mackowiack

Kris Mackowiack

ElectroChemistry and Modelling

Ali Crawford

Ali Crawford

Chlorination and Scale-Up

Trevor Lebel

Trevor Lebel

Pyrometallurgy and Safety

Filipe Rodrigues

Filipe Rodrigues

Techno-Economics and Process Engineering

James Pettingill

James Pettingill

Pilot Plants Coordination and Maintenance

James McNeice

James McNeice

Hydrometallurgy and Mini-Pilots

Jonathan Leung

Jonathan Leung

Pilot Plant Operation and Integration

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About KPM
Contact Us

759 Progress Avenue
Kingston, ON
K7M 6N6

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